Rainbow Smile

Rainbow Smile
Smile in the sky!

Friday, January 6, 2017

A careless act can change your life in a second.

I was very excited to start this new year off right! My plan was to get in better shape since my knee replacement surgery, and to make a concentrated effort to find a new job since I can't do my old one anymore.
Well a careless accident in which I burned my right hand very badly has caused a slight derailment to my plans for now. I am trying to remain optimistic and have patience that things will still work out in the end.

But it made me think of how many people do things when they are distracted and how we all need to be more focused in this fast-paced world. One of the things that really worries me is so many people texting or talking on their phones while driving. I have seen so many near accidents around me while people are staring down at their phones when they are supposed to be watching the road.

So, my post for today is to remain alert while you are doing something; a few seconds of careless distraction can change or end your life! The severe burns on my fingers and palm will heal in time, but it is causing a big inconvenience in my life right now. Thankfully it is just a temporary problem.

Everyone be careful out there - don't text and drive!

Have a happy and SAFE New Year!

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