Rainbow Smile

Rainbow Smile
Smile in the sky!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Smile in the Sky

My main photo on this page is one of my favorite photos that I have ever personally taken! And the backstory is quite interesting. We were attending the beautiful wedding reception for a young friend and co-worker.

She was marrying the love of her life and everyone was very excited to share their special day. It was a bittersweet day because the bride and groom had both lost their Moms when they were younger. And of course not having their Mothers with them on the day of their wedding was very sad.

It was kind of cloudy and had rained a bit in the morning.  We were all sitting outside in the garden area of the reception hall waiting for the ceremony to begin. And then the procession started; flower girls, ushers and bridesmaids all made their way down the aisle. We were craning our necks waiting to see the beautiful bride and her Dad.

Right before she appeared another friend looked up at the sky and noticed the "Upside Down Rainbow" above us. I myself had never seen a rainbow that was turned around like that? We decided that it was a sign. The Moms were there at the wedding after all. And they were smiling down to show their happiness!


  1. That made me cry. I love it! Thanks for sharing Pat! =)

  2. I'm glad that you liked it! So do alot of other people. It's a very special story and I had to share it!
