Rainbow Smile

Rainbow Smile
Smile in the sky!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Hanging on to hope when life is a challenge.

Since I've started this blog I have tried to post something every few days. But lately I haven't been inspired to post anything. Of course I've been busy with the holidays, but I have also been struggling with a lot of emotions.

This has not been the best year for me and it hasn't been for many people that I know. I have experienced a life changing health problem which has affected my ability to return to my main job as a very active dental assistant. I loved my job even though it was the main cause of the demise of my right knee. I also have a back issue that I have been dealing with for over 20 years and it has been aggravated by the bad knee. On top of this we lost our beloved dog and had to deal with her devastating health problems also. Her absence has left a big hole in my heart.

So even though I am an extremely optimistic and upbeat person, I have had a hard time dealing with all of this. I am looking forward to the new year and hoping to find a new career opportunity that won't be so physically demanding.

I feel like the universe is pushing me towards new beginnings. Twenty years ago I survived a very large disfiguring tumor in my lower back and then a terrible divorce eight years later. I managed to bounce back and forge ahead each time. So I know I will this time.

I guess that is my "message" with this post. No matter what life throws at you; you have to keep plugging along. Sometimes even though horrible things happen to us; it puts us on a new path. A path to something better hopefully!

So if you have been feeling down and trying to deal with some tough things this year; I wish for you to have a much easier, happier New Year!

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