Rainbow Smile

Rainbow Smile
Smile in the sky!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

It's a Wonderful Life - why haven't you watched it yet?

I just finished watching my favorite Christmas movie. I really don't even know how many times I've watched it. The weird thing is that I never get tired of seeing it!

Unfortunately I know that many people have never taken the time to actually watch the entire movie. Now I know it's long; 2 hours and 15 minutes to be exact. And it's an old black and white movie with no special effects. But it is a fantastic story of one man's ordinary life. One man who makes a difference in countless people's lives just by being a caring person and doing the right thing.

Poor George Bailey lives in a small town and yearns to escape from his boring life and travel the world. But because of family responsibilities he has to give up his dream. He is a kind decent man who cares more about his fellow man than making money.

Unfortunately hard times come upon him and he thinks that everyone would be better off if he was never born. He attempts suicide, but his Guardian Angel Clarence is sent down to earth to make him see that he has so much to live for and has helped so many people.

George gets to see how changed his world would have been if he had never existed. He gets a second chance to appreciate all of the wonderful things that he took for granted.

This old fashioned movie will warm your heart with simple values about love and family. Of course my favorite part of the movie is the end. All of George's unselfish acts of kindness come back to him tenfold over.  Having a lot of money and living an extravagant life is not the key to happiness. George Bailey is "the richest man in town" because of the love of family and friends.

So, if you haven't taken the time to watch this movie; just give it a chance. Maybe it will become a favorite of yours too?

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