Rainbow Smile

Rainbow Smile
Smile in the sky!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Doggie Destiny

I was thinking about how destiny affects our lives. I've had a dog since I was little. After I got married we always had two dogs. In 2008 I was faced with a situation I never thought would happen. Both of my dogs got very sick. Our lovable chocolate Lab Coco got intestinal lymphoma and our beautiful Dalmatian Daisy developed senility and her back legs gave out. So between working and taking care of a house and my family I had to deal with two very sick dogs. I never knew what kind of terrible mess I would find when I woke up or got home. It was physically and mentally exhausting. But they were like my children and I loved them and cared for them until the end. Coco had to be euthanized 10 days before my birthday and only a month later I had to go through the same heartache with Daisy. The entire Veterinary office cried with me because they were so affected by my losing Daisy so soon after Coco.

That was it I decided, I will NEVER have another dog. I can not ever go through this ordeal again! It was just too much to bear.
A month or two went by and my daughter and granddaughter asked me why don't we get another dog? "NO, NO, NO, I don't even want to talk about it!"
Another month goes by, hmmm I really miss having a dog. I start checking out pet adoption sites.
October rolls around and I'm reading the paper and I see a dog posted for adoption.
I was instantly drawn to her; I want this dog!

So I go online and fill out the lengthy application.
Adoption day is held every Sunday at our Vet.
The organization strongly suggests that we all come down to meet Princess. So on Sunday the three of us drive over there.

We go in and tell them we're here to adopt Princess and the woman's face falls. "Oh, I'm so sorry but a young man got here earlier and wants to adopt her. He'll be back soon".
Well the three of us were quite disappointed.
I asked if we could still meet her.
So another volunteer who had her on a leash brought her over.

Princess happily trotted over with her tail wagging. But instead of just standing in front of us all. She came right to me, turned around and sat down next to me and leaned against my leg. Then she just looked up at the ladies and stared at them like " OK, this is where I belong". The lady in charge was staring at us with her mouth open. I said "boy it's too bad we didn't get here sooner, I wish we could adopt her."

She said "You can, we talked it over and since you actually applied before the young man we think you should have her. We never saw Princess act like that with anyone ever before! It's like she chose YOU!"

I think she did choose us. I think we were supposed to be together. She had some issues; she had been attacked by another dog and was covered with scars on her belly and chest. She had also been abused by a former owner. So she had some fear aggression;  a lot of baggage for a dog. I think she found the right owner who could see past her faults and still love her. She knew I would never give up on her. She knew she would be safe.
I really think that fate brought us together.
She gave us 8 years of love and devotion.

I hope to see her on the other side one day.

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