Rainbow Smile

Rainbow Smile
Smile in the sky!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Why is comfort food so damn comforting?

I was thinking about why certain "not so healthy" foods appeal to us as I was making a big casserole of homemade Mac and cheese yesterday. There have been scientific studies that say it's because of the fat content or the way carbohydrates make us feel.

But I think it's more than that. It's about the memories that certain foods evoke in us. Usually I would make a dish like this when my kids were little or we were having company or a big family get together. Happy times! Thoughts of parents, relatives and friends; some that aren't here anymore.

My boyfriend asked " Why go to all of that trouble? Just use a box mix."

UGH, first of all you can't compare the two. When something is made from scratch with love it just tastes better! Not to mention not having additives and preservatives in it.

Of course after it was done and he tasted it he said "WOW, this really is good".

It seems like a lot of people don't cook anymore and they don't eat together as a family. Everyone is working and things aren't like they used to be and that's too bad.

I think sometimes we're looking for that comforting feeling, like when we were kids and life was so much simpler. So if you want to have some comfort food, go ahead and enjoy it. But I bet there are some good memories associated with that special food you're craving.

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