Rainbow Smile

Rainbow Smile
Smile in the sky!

Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Eve - a time to make resolutions or not?

Well it's finally here; the last day of 2016! I am definitely looking forward to the New Year and a new start. And of course I will be making some resolutions. I think most of us hope to do better and improve ourselves. It's human nature to look forward to new beginnings.

I read that people who actually make resolutions are more successful than people who don't.

So whatever you have been striving for; quitting smoking, losing weight, finding a new job etc., now is the time give it your all. But the great thing is if we don't get it right the first time, we can just keep trying. It's never to late to improve yourself or a situation.

Wishing everyone a fun New Year's Eve and a very Happy New Year! There are a lot of changes in the air and hopefully they will be good ones!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Hanging on to hope when life is a challenge.

Since I've started this blog I have tried to post something every few days. But lately I haven't been inspired to post anything. Of course I've been busy with the holidays, but I have also been struggling with a lot of emotions.

This has not been the best year for me and it hasn't been for many people that I know. I have experienced a life changing health problem which has affected my ability to return to my main job as a very active dental assistant. I loved my job even though it was the main cause of the demise of my right knee. I also have a back issue that I have been dealing with for over 20 years and it has been aggravated by the bad knee. On top of this we lost our beloved dog and had to deal with her devastating health problems also. Her absence has left a big hole in my heart.

So even though I am an extremely optimistic and upbeat person, I have had a hard time dealing with all of this. I am looking forward to the new year and hoping to find a new career opportunity that won't be so physically demanding.

I feel like the universe is pushing me towards new beginnings. Twenty years ago I survived a very large disfiguring tumor in my lower back and then a terrible divorce eight years later. I managed to bounce back and forge ahead each time. So I know I will this time.

I guess that is my "message" with this post. No matter what life throws at you; you have to keep plugging along. Sometimes even though horrible things happen to us; it puts us on a new path. A path to something better hopefully!

So if you have been feeling down and trying to deal with some tough things this year; I wish for you to have a much easier, happier New Year!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Hot Tub happiness and stress reduction

Around the holidays everyone's stress levels seem to sky rocket! Between doing all of the regular things we have to do every day like working, we also have so many holiday related tasks to accomplish. It's no wonder many people are running around overburdened and stressed out; not enjoying the holidays at all.

My advice is to prioritize and get rid of things to do that aren't necessary. If you really don't like sending Christmas cards- who says that you HAVE to? Give some of the people on your list a phone call instead. I'm sure you'll brighten up their day and maybe make your day too. I do love to receive cards; especially photo cards, but I also recognize it as a very expensive time consuming tradition. Some people aren't up to it and that's okay.

Preparing for the holidays can be fun; baking cookies, decorating and shopping for that perfect gift. But I think we all need to take some time to relax and reenergize.

I bought myself a small hot tub after my divorce. It was a big extravagance at the time. And I made a crazy decision to have it installed inside my house - in my porch.

It has been a blessing and actually saved my sanity during very stressful times. No matter what is going on I know I can go in it and my worries will disappear for a little bit. No noise, no phones and hopefully no interruptions to bother me. It's my private little paradise.

We really do need to disconnect from our frantic world. So when the holiday rush starts to overwhelm you, take a break and do something for yourself.

Take a walk, listen to music or take a drive and look at the beautiful Christmas lights!

Give yourself the gift of peace and quiet.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Secret Santa saves Christmas with random acts of kindness!

Just thought I'd post a feel-good story. A very generous Secret Santa enlists the help of local law enforcement to deliver some holiday cheer to the people who need it the most!

Hope you enjoy the video.

Friday, December 9, 2016

It's the thought that counts. Gifts of the heart!

Now don't get me wrong; any gift is to be appreciated of course. But when you get a special gift that someone put a lot of thought into or hand made for you, well that's a little bit more significant. Everyone seems to be running around, so busy all the time that when you receive a certain item with great symbolism it definitely stands out.

The holidays have become so commercial; it's all about the BIG sales! But in reality, material things actually aren't as important as a present from the heart. I know children look forward to getting the toys that they've seen advertised on TV. But I think older people are more apt to want something that brings back memories of the past or recollections of family and friends that aren't with us anymore.

I wish we could go back to simpler times when life wasn't so complicated and impersonal.  A time when Christmas was a magical place, a place of innocence and hope. I was blessed to receive two special gifts in the mail this week. One was a beautiful "Angel of Friendship" ornament from a very special person; my son's girl friend Lisa. The angel is holding a small brown dog in her arms. This ornament was so thoughtful and touching because we lost our beloved dog a few months ago. It will probably be my favorite gift that I'll receive this Christmas.

The second special gift was a handmade loaf of Cinnamon Bread made by my Sister-In-Law Janie. We all used to spend Christmas Eve together every year. But times have changed and we have all moved away from each other. I haven't had her delicious bread in years. But the memories of Christmases past came flooding back to me when I opened the box and smelled the cinnamon and sugar. I was so excited that I couldn't wait to call her and thank her for it.

It made me think of our big Christmas Eve dinners at my parent's house. And as everyone got older and the families grew we alternated the celebrations at our homes. Janie always gave us our aluminum foil wrapped loaves so we'd have Cinnamon bread toast for Christmas breakfast. It was a wonderful tradition made with love. And as I'm enjoying my cinnamon toast I will be thinking of her and a whole bunch of great memories.

I hope that whatever holiday you celebrate; you receive a special gift from the heart. Because they're the best!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

It's a Wonderful Life - why haven't you watched it yet?

I just finished watching my favorite Christmas movie. I really don't even know how many times I've watched it. The weird thing is that I never get tired of seeing it!

Unfortunately I know that many people have never taken the time to actually watch the entire movie. Now I know it's long; 2 hours and 15 minutes to be exact. And it's an old black and white movie with no special effects. But it is a fantastic story of one man's ordinary life. One man who makes a difference in countless people's lives just by being a caring person and doing the right thing.

Poor George Bailey lives in a small town and yearns to escape from his boring life and travel the world. But because of family responsibilities he has to give up his dream. He is a kind decent man who cares more about his fellow man than making money.

Unfortunately hard times come upon him and he thinks that everyone would be better off if he was never born. He attempts suicide, but his Guardian Angel Clarence is sent down to earth to make him see that he has so much to live for and has helped so many people.

George gets to see how changed his world would have been if he had never existed. He gets a second chance to appreciate all of the wonderful things that he took for granted.

This old fashioned movie will warm your heart with simple values about love and family. Of course my favorite part of the movie is the end. All of George's unselfish acts of kindness come back to him tenfold over.  Having a lot of money and living an extravagant life is not the key to happiness. George Bailey is "the richest man in town" because of the love of family and friends.

So, if you haven't taken the time to watch this movie; just give it a chance. Maybe it will become a favorite of yours too?

Thursday, December 1, 2016

All Dogs Must Go: Epic Pet Adoption - Prank It FWD

This is great Pet Adoption video. It's nice to see good things happening. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Coffee is happiness!

I've decided to share my little addiction with everyone, hopefully you won't think any less of me. I kind of have a thing for "flavored" coffee. And I am not talking about using flavored syrups or anything like that.

My little problem has gotten so bad that I won't drink that boring plain regular stuff anymore unless forced to. I will search in a store and see what kinds of coffee are available. The Holy Grail of coffee for me is found in Target. Archer Farms coffee makes so many delicious flavors; Vanilla Bean Crème Brule, Buttery Caramel, Caramel Macchiato etc.; oh it's like being in flavored coffee heaven!

(And no; I'm not being paid to write this post by either company. BUT if they happen to see it? I'm not looking for any financial compensation.......I'll take a coffee-for-life deal though!)

Now when I first met my regular Doctor and had a physical she asked me all kinds of health related questions.
"Do you smoke?" - Nope.
"Do you drink?"- hmmm I have a drink or two during the holidays, but the real answer is No.
"Do you do drugs?" Nope!
"What about Coffee?" Yes...... " How many cups?" Hmmm....about 5 or 6. "OH???? That's a lot of coffee Pat. Maybe you should think about cutting down?" Say WHAT????

I told her that I'd had a lot of knee and back issues and she should really worry about me getting addicted to painkillers instead of coffee. She looked at me suspiciously; " are you addicted to painkillers? NO, but it COULD happen couldn't it? Especially if I had to cut down on coffee. She gave me an odd look and wrote something in my file.

That is when I started wondering if I should look for another doctor. But, I liked Dr. M so I decided to work with her on this coffee problem of hers.

Next time I went in to see her she ran through the same list of questions. "Are you still drinking coffee Pat? Have you cut down at all?" I smiled sweetly at her. Yes, Doctor M, I don't drink as many cups anymore. I'm down to 2 or 3!

She was so happy. She wrote something else in my file and smiled back.

I know that you can ingest too much caffeine and it can affect your health and I'm certainly not telling everyone to completely disregard their doctor's advice if they are told to cut back. Caffeine is actually a drug, a stimulant to be exact.

But it is also a lifeblood in the morning. I don't know about you but it takes me a bit to get going in the morning. I look forward to picking my flavor of the day. And I really don't want anyone bothering me until I've had a cup or two or maybe three. My boyfriend has learned to let me caffeinate in peace.

Coffee is happiness.

Don't you agree?

Saturday, November 26, 2016

You never know what other people are dealing with - "IF WE COULD SEE INSIDE OTHERS' HEARTS":

Take the time to watch this video. Everyone is so self possessed and busy these days. Maybe showing a little kindness to the sad stranger you see in the grocery store will make their day. It doesn't take a lot of time or energy to be nice. A small act of kindness can cause an avalanche of hope to someone having a bad day.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving Eve - is tomorrow time for family, friends and football?

Actually I'd rather change that to family, friends and PIE!

When I think of Thanksgiving back when I was a child, I remember my Mother in the kitchen preparing the turkey and her sausage stuffing. I was much younger than my three siblings and I couldn't wait for all of them to come over with their spouses and children. Of course I watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and waited for Santa to arrive! After the parade; "March of the Wooden Soldiers" aka "Babes in Toyland" was always on. My favorite part was when the 6 foot tall Toy Soldiers come to life and save everyone in Toyland from the scary bogeymen!

It was great to see all of my family sitting together enjoying our delicious turkey dinner. And then pumpkin pie and whipped cream for dessert! The holidays were very special times to me.

The years have gone by, our parents have passed on and my siblings and their children and grandchildren have moved away. But we'll always have those good memories of long ago.

Be thankful for your family and friends; even if you can't spend the day with them.

Be thankful that you're still here on this beautiful earth, many are not anymore.

Be thankful for what you have, many people have so much less.

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the pie! I know I will!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Why is comfort food so damn comforting?

I was thinking about why certain "not so healthy" foods appeal to us as I was making a big casserole of homemade Mac and cheese yesterday. There have been scientific studies that say it's because of the fat content or the way carbohydrates make us feel.

But I think it's more than that. It's about the memories that certain foods evoke in us. Usually I would make a dish like this when my kids were little or we were having company or a big family get together. Happy times! Thoughts of parents, relatives and friends; some that aren't here anymore.

My boyfriend asked " Why go to all of that trouble? Just use a box mix."

UGH, first of all you can't compare the two. When something is made from scratch with love it just tastes better! Not to mention not having additives and preservatives in it.

Of course after it was done and he tasted it he said "WOW, this really is good".

It seems like a lot of people don't cook anymore and they don't eat together as a family. Everyone is working and things aren't like they used to be and that's too bad.

I think sometimes we're looking for that comforting feeling, like when we were kids and life was so much simpler. So if you want to have some comfort food, go ahead and enjoy it. But I bet there are some good memories associated with that special food you're craving.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Doggie Destiny

I was thinking about how destiny affects our lives. I've had a dog since I was little. After I got married we always had two dogs. In 2008 I was faced with a situation I never thought would happen. Both of my dogs got very sick. Our lovable chocolate Lab Coco got intestinal lymphoma and our beautiful Dalmatian Daisy developed senility and her back legs gave out. So between working and taking care of a house and my family I had to deal with two very sick dogs. I never knew what kind of terrible mess I would find when I woke up or got home. It was physically and mentally exhausting. But they were like my children and I loved them and cared for them until the end. Coco had to be euthanized 10 days before my birthday and only a month later I had to go through the same heartache with Daisy. The entire Veterinary office cried with me because they were so affected by my losing Daisy so soon after Coco.

That was it I decided, I will NEVER have another dog. I can not ever go through this ordeal again! It was just too much to bear.
A month or two went by and my daughter and granddaughter asked me why don't we get another dog? "NO, NO, NO, I don't even want to talk about it!"
Another month goes by, hmmm I really miss having a dog. I start checking out pet adoption sites.
October rolls around and I'm reading the paper and I see a dog posted for adoption.
I was instantly drawn to her; I want this dog!

So I go online and fill out the lengthy application.
Adoption day is held every Sunday at our Vet.
The organization strongly suggests that we all come down to meet Princess. So on Sunday the three of us drive over there.

We go in and tell them we're here to adopt Princess and the woman's face falls. "Oh, I'm so sorry but a young man got here earlier and wants to adopt her. He'll be back soon".
Well the three of us were quite disappointed.
I asked if we could still meet her.
So another volunteer who had her on a leash brought her over.

Princess happily trotted over with her tail wagging. But instead of just standing in front of us all. She came right to me, turned around and sat down next to me and leaned against my leg. Then she just looked up at the ladies and stared at them like " OK, this is where I belong". The lady in charge was staring at us with her mouth open. I said "boy it's too bad we didn't get here sooner, I wish we could adopt her."

She said "You can, we talked it over and since you actually applied before the young man we think you should have her. We never saw Princess act like that with anyone ever before! It's like she chose YOU!"

I think she did choose us. I think we were supposed to be together. She had some issues; she had been attacked by another dog and was covered with scars on her belly and chest. She had also been abused by a former owner. So she had some fear aggression;  a lot of baggage for a dog. I think she found the right owner who could see past her faults and still love her. She knew I would never give up on her. She knew she would be safe.
I really think that fate brought us together.
She gave us 8 years of love and devotion.

I hope to see her on the other side one day.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Actively looking for a Sponsor or advertisements on my blog.

I am hoping to find a great Sponsor for my blog. Anything to do with optimism and inspiring ideas.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Don't tell my boyfriend that I've fallen in love with the guy next door.

Okay, so maybe he isn't really a "guy"; he's a BIG beautiful black lab named Doc.
He kind of looks like this:
My boyfriend and I were out in the back yard doing some gardening. Now I had seen Doc from afar but I never actually met him until today. We were by the fence and Doc ran over and started barking. He's kind of big so before I stuck my arm over the fence I asked our neighbor if his dog was friendly.

I got a "Yes" from the neighbor and before I could pet him, Doc was standing with his paws on top of the fence and staring into my eyes. It was instant love, Doc was wagging his tail and I was petting him telling him how wonderful he was. Somehow Doc had slobber on the top of his head and my arm was covered with it. We were sharing a special moment when who comes up behind me but the pesky boyfriend to remind me that we had leaves to take care of.......

So, I sadly said goodbye to my new friend on the other side of the fence. I dragged the rakes out to the front lawn to finish the leaves.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Doc in the back yard. He looks up and spots me too. He leaves his owner and comes down along the fence, wagging his tail the entire time. He's watching me the whole time, he comes around the fence and right over to me. Then he sits right down and gives me his paw. That was it, I completely melted. We spent about 20 minutes together, he wouldn't leave my side.

Again, here comes the aforementioned boyfriend telling me that I was going to get the dog in trouble for leaving his property. Trouble! Boy if he knew what was going on in my head. I had a very quick thought about kidnapping Doc and hiding him in our house. But then I realized it would be hard to hide this giant lovable dog from his real family next door. ( Sometimes I have these crazy little fantasies- don't worry I haven't acted on any of them YET.)

But my little love affair with Doc made me realize even more that I need to have another dog in my life. We had to have our Beloved dog Princess put down in August because of a brain tumor. It was quite devastating as anyone who has loved an animal knows. She was like our child. And I understand that my boyfriend hasn't grieved enough over her loss. He doesn't ever want to go through that terrible pain again. I know it very well, I've experienced it with 6 dogs and many other pets.

But I know that in time we will rescue another dog. It may take a while for me to convince him. But everyone who knows me, knows how persistent I can be. Until then I'll be waiting outside for my friend Doc.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Seasonal Affective Disorder also known as SAD - Is it time to LIGHT UP your life?

Some people are very affected by daylight savings time and the change of seasons; especially when Fall arrives and we know we have a LONG Winter ahead of us. It's okay to feel sad sometimes, but if you have prolonged periods of sadness that happen around the same time of the year then maybe you are suffering from "Seasonal Affective Disorder"- SAD. It is also know as Seasonal Depression.

It is easily helped with light therapy, talk therapy and medications.

Don't let the winter time get you down; go for a walk outside or call a good friend.


             Or invest in a light box!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Cowboy Hero

I love this story. A wonderful friend emailed it to me to brighten my day!

When the reporter asked this young man why he did what he did; he said " I just figured it was the right thing to do".

We need more people like this. We need more people to do the right thing and help others.

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I did.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Happiness Jar -

The New Year will be here before we know it. Traditionally we all reminisce over the past year and think about the things that have happened; good and bad. By capturing the good things that have happened we can learn to think more optimistically. Turn off the TV and don't dwell on the negativity. Even if you aren't having the best day, you can still find something good about it.

Then when you're having a "bad" day, pull out one of your memories and maybe it will make you smile?

I got the message below in my fortune cookie the other day:

Monday, November 14, 2016

The rare supermoon - NASA Video

This amazing Supermoon is the brightest moon in the last 68 years! That is a lifetime for some of us. You won't get to see another one as bright and big as this moon until 2034; if you are lucky enough to still be here then.

The moon  has been an inspiration for astrologers, scientists, poets, songwriters and the common man. Just think, people all over the world are gazing up and looking at the same beautiful moon as you and I.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

We need to unite in hope of a better future.

There are many people in our country that are not happy with the election results. I understand that, but there is no reason for such hatred and violence. We have to make this world a better place for everyone; no matter what color, religion or gender.

We need to unite as a country and stay hopeful that things will get better for everyone.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Thank you to all Veterans for their service and sacrifices!

Monday, November 7, 2016

A Vote For Good - Pedigree commercial

I thought this was a great commercial! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and we shouldn't be fighting with someone because they aren't voting the same as us.

The is what makes America great!

I love the title of the video: " A Vote for Good "!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

10 Scientific ways to be happy!

Sounds like some good advice!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Raking Autumn Leaves

It's time to take care of all of the leaves that are falling! Now I know many people truly hate this chore, I guess a lot depends on how many leaves you have in your yard?

I decided long ago not to look at this as an onerous chore but as a way to get some exercise and appreciate being outside and enjoying the bright colors.

Fall is a beautiful time of the year, not everyone in the world gets to appreciate the 4 seasons like we have here in Northwest NJ.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

A successful Halloween!

Halloween has come and gone. I'm still taking down the outside decorations. Some people think I'm crazy to spend so much time and effort decorating for a bunch of kids trick or treating....

Well everyone that came that day told my boyfriend and I how great the house looked! They took pictures and videos and thanked us for doing it. One Mom told me that her son had been talking about how excited he was to finally come to OUR house on Halloween. He's been watching and waiting for days. Another little boy exclaimed " You must REALLY like Halloween!" with a big smile on his face!

THAT is why I do it! It makes me happy!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Gearing up for Halloween

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! I enjoy decorating my yard in preparation for the
"Trick or Treaters" coming. The best part is seeing the smiles on the kids and their parents faces when they see our scary ghouls.

                      The skeleton digging up some of his friends is my new addition this year.


I love to see the surprise and happiness when they get their Halloween treats! I finished making some spooky candy hands for the younger kids and we have other large bags of candy for the bigger kids!

Maybe true happiness happens when you follow your heart and do things for others?

Friday, October 28, 2016

Trying to write something inspirational is not easy when you are battling a bad cold. I was at my doctor the other day and I told her I picked up this great stuff chock full of vitamin C to help me get better quicker. She just smiled and said there's no research to support claims that any of that stuff helps with getting over a cold quicker...."just have some Chicken Soup"!

So I guess we haven't found any new cures for the common cold; just an old standby recommended by Moms and Grandmas everywhere for decades?

Research also says that optimism helps prevent catching a cold. Of course being exposed to nasty cold viruses is something none of us can escape from.

So my advice is keep smiling and have some chicken soup!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Since today was such a cold, wet, slippery day today in Northwest NJ, I thought I'd post a cute video on a nice warm beach!


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Smile in the Sky

My main photo on this page is one of my favorite photos that I have ever personally taken! And the backstory is quite interesting. We were attending the beautiful wedding reception for a young friend and co-worker.

She was marrying the love of her life and everyone was very excited to share their special day. It was a bittersweet day because the bride and groom had both lost their Moms when they were younger. And of course not having their Mothers with them on the day of their wedding was very sad.

It was kind of cloudy and had rained a bit in the morning.  We were all sitting outside in the garden area of the reception hall waiting for the ceremony to begin. And then the procession started; flower girls, ushers and bridesmaids all made their way down the aisle. We were craning our necks waiting to see the beautiful bride and her Dad.

Right before she appeared another friend looked up at the sky and noticed the "Upside Down Rainbow" above us. I myself had never seen a rainbow that was turned around like that? We decided that it was a sign. The Moms were there at the wedding after all. And they were smiling down to show their happiness!


Hello fellow optimists and anyone looking for the sunny side of life,

There have been a lot of changes in my life recently. I've had some health issues and undergone a total knee replacement. Because of the knee replacement surgery I have had to leave my main job as a Dental Assistant.

So I've decided to try my hand at blogging. Of course you need a subject to blog about. And you need to know a bit about the subject. Well I've been called a "Pollyanna" and an "Optimistic fool" by some; I won't mention any names.... but it gave me the idea to spread my optimism around.

Hopefully I can connect and entertain like minded folks and bring some others over to the "bright side of the road". ( I LOVE that song!)

So here we go!!!! MY first post on my first blog.